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NZD to TWD Exchange Rate

Code TWD
Symbol $
$10, $1, $50, $5
$100, $500, $1000

Buying Taiwanese Dollars online

  • Budget planning tool

    Punch in your holiday deets in the tool below to help you plan your spending money.

  • No commission

    On foreign exchange rates when you order with Travel Money NZ.

  • Pick up locally

    With over 20 convenient store locations across New Zealand, you can securely pick up your TWD with no hassles.

Planning your trip to Taiwan

We get it, doing your holiday budget is a snore fest. It's important though, so we've made it super easy for you to do now. Just punch in your holiday deets and we'll combine destination spend data with our exchange rates so you know how much to take. Easy peasy budget donesy!

About the currency

Coins and notes

Unlike our dollar, there are no cents in Taiwan. Coins over here are worth $1, $5, $10 and $50, with notes going up through $100, $500 and $1,000.

Facts about the currency

  • Make sure to declare your cash if you’re bringing over TWD 60,000 or USD 10,000 in or out of Taiwan.
  • The Taiwanese Dollar was born in June 1949, just like Lionel Richie. (The similarities probably end there, though.)
  • The design of the $200 note was controversial to say the least, with accusations made that Chiang Kai-shek was chosen to feature in the design of a very infrequently used denomination purely so he would later be removed from circulation.

The chart shows how the rates have compared in the past. Want to take more Taiwan dollars? We have just the technique! Sign up to currency alerts and when the exchange rate hits the target, you’ll receive an alert. That's an easy way to take off with more money!